Due to the ever changing business model in Hollywood, screenwriters must be entrepreneurs. The old methods no longer work to give you the traction you need to build your career.
What does having a brand do for your screenwriting career? It deems you as an expert in a certain genre, instills trust in your creative abilities, and proves to the powers-that-be that you are, in fact, a contender.
Erica will assist you to find the perfect niche for your individual writer’s voice, identify the genre or cross-genres you are strongest in — and establish a focused plan.
Once your brand is defined, you learn to master, navigate, and leverage social media marketing sites as the hub of your networking efforts for optimum results using LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, and more. Giving you and your agent the perfect way to pitch your work and exponentially shorten your road to success.
You can pay onsite with PayPal or simply mail a check to: Erica Byrne, address given upon request.
Cost $425